Monday, April 26, 2010

Deer? Oh, Dear!

The garden is growing quite nicely, and nothing has died at this point!! I was a bit concerned about the Marizold Red tomato plant - - it yellowed shortly after planting. I think it just had an upset tummy, though, from a little too much compost. You gotta watch those young 'uns when they've just left the greenhouse . . . they are prone to overindulge.

Meanwhile, the deer have been feasting over at my Mama's garden (just around the corner from me), so I've taken precautions. When we planted, both Mama and I bought deer repellent kits from Lowe's - - little canisters that see on top of a wire post (see photo). The repellent is supposed to last ALL season, and contain a scent that is not detectable to humans, but deer find it quite frightening. Guess my mama has brave deer.
She strung up some pie plates in her garden to beef up the security. (I dunno about you, but I can't figure out why deer would be skeered of pie.)
I've been encouraging my dog to "mark" around the garden. He isn't always cooperative, and doesn't understand that I don't want him to whiz ON the tomato plants, just NEAR them. So I enlisted my husband and son. I figured that Jimmy (my son) used to go in the yard all the time when he was younger . . . so why not now? Ah, life in the country. Fighting deer with my dears.
Stay tuned for more facinating progress in the garden! For more blogs, check out Lake Wylie Living blogs on The Lake Wylie Man.

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