Saturday, May 10, 2008

Week one & nothing's dead!

My garden has made it through the first week, hallelujah! We've had a spit of rain, nothing substantial. Tony (my husband) finally got our irritation system working . . . and hopefully it will hit the garden in all the right spots.

Meanwhile, last night I watered everything by hand. We had a bunch of teenagers over, and I didn't want the yard wet because it would end up in my house. 'Course it did anyway - - teenagers have a way of doing that.

Anyway, I know my plants Felt The Love as I lugged watering can after watering can over to my garden, dousing each plant Just So.

Julia Child (one of the heirloom tomatoes) was looking rather puny at the first of the week, but she's perking up a bit now. I thought she was a goner.

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