Saturday, July 5, 2008

There's always August

I was walking down the drive after retrieving the mail yesterday, and caught a glimpse of RED amongst the leaves of my tomato plants. Excitedly, I picked up the pace to see if I had missed some miracle of nature and somehow had ripe fruit on the vines. As I got closer, I realized that I was seeing the red wheelbarrow that my husband parked in my garden. Oh well. At least I had a moment of hope.

Meanwhile, I have a (as in ONE) fist sized tomato on the "Kellogg's Breakfast" plant. Ultimately it should turn yellow/orange. My daughter has been eyeing it for a dish of fried green tomatoes, but with the lack of production of this crop, that ain't happening.

My mystery tomato plant has a bunch of marble-sized tomatoes now. I guess the "vibrating" and "suckering" is paying off, at last. I really don't know what this variety is, however. I couldn't decipher the label. I think "Mater Man Phil" might need to pay a house call! Maybe I can get him to bring some tomatoes as well . . .

Thanks for reading my blog. If you'd like to read more, please visit my Gardening in Lake Wylie blog, Events and Activities in Lake Wylie, and other blogs about living in Lake Wylie and Lake Wylie Real Estate.

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