Sunday, April 17, 2011

Plowing the fields

My dear husband tilled and hoed the lower 40 yesterday.  (The lower 40 square feet, that is . . . )  That is particularly impressive if you consider that he is a strict meat-itarian, and shuns most vegetation, including the Almighty Tomato.  Yet each year he tills the soil and hoes the rows so that I can play in the dirt.  Is that true love, or what?

The wind was brutal yesterday, and I wasn't able to get much planting done.  We had 4 ft swells in the cove, and that's pretty amazing considering we have about 2' water depth.  I'm talking that wind was STRONG.  I tried to plant some parsley seeds and they blew all over tarnation.  I suspect my neighbor across the cove may have a lovely crop of Italian flat leaf parsley this year.

We did visit Lowe's during the torrential rain yesterday.  Purchased a 75' soaker hose for the tomato plants, some organic fertilizer and compost, and another hundred dollars worth of stuff while we wandered around the place waiting for the rain to subside a bit.  We decided that shopping at Lowe's during a heavy rainstorm was equivalent to grocery shopping when hungry.  Not a good idea if watching the budget.

This morning has dawned sunny and beautiful, and the trees are still . . . so happily I should get my garden planted!

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